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Sponsorship of Camps International Expedition in Borneo

Sponsorship of Camps International Expedition in Borneo

Crime Prevention Services were proud to have been able to sponsor Celyn Richards to go on an expedition with Camps International in Borneo.

Crime Prevention Services were proud to have been able to sponsor Celyn Richards to go on an expedition with Camps International in Borneo.

This is what she had to say about her experience:

By sponsoring the event you have helped me achieve a variety of life skills, such as resilience and determination, as well as physical skills, including hand cementing, drainage, plastering and many more. Without the help of your sponsorship I would not have been able to realise and understand the severity of the poverty in Borneo. The trip helped me to realise the privileges the majority of society we live in, in the UK today, take for granted and although they live in deprivation, the people of Borneo are content and happy with life. We as a school have achieved a number of projects, including helping to build a school, community centre and sports centre for the local children as well as lay drainage systems. We have also managed to help teach the local children English, which was a very challenging task as many of them leave education at 12 years of age, saying this the children were keen and eager to learn which came as a surprise and was a rewarding thing to see. This has changed many villages, making them more developed, and helping with their trade. Without your support as a sponsor, I wouldn’t have been able to participate in making a difference to this low income country and can’t thank you enough for your contribution.

Published: 03.09.2019


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