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Safeguarding Business Assets: A Comprehensive Look at Fire Safety and CCTV Threats in the UK in 2023

Published on 10.11.23

In the UK, 2023 brings its unique set of challenges and threats when it comes to fire safety and CCTV surveillance. We’re exploring some of the most common threats that businesses face in these areas to offer insight into how they can mitigate these risks to protect their assets and employees.

Read more about Safeguarding Business Assets: A Comprehensive Look at Fire Safety and CCTV Threats in the UK in 2023

ARC Sentinel Upgrade

In-House 24/7 Monitoring: Your Premier NSI Gold-accredited Alarm Receiving Centre

Published on 12.10.23

In today's world, the importance of round-the-clock security cannot be underestimated. 24/7 Monitoring stands at the pinnacle of surveillance solutions as a distinguished NSI Gold-accredited Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) within our head office. we proudly serve throughout the calendar year, ensuring vigilant oversight 24 hours a day.

Read more about In-House 24/7 Monitoring: Your Premier NSI Gold-accredited Alarm Receiving Centre

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How Remote Construction Monitoring Keeps Your Project Safe

Published on 13.09.23

In the UK construction market, project managers face numerous challenges, from managing tight deadlines to adhering to strict safety standards. Among these priorities, security often stands out as a critical concern. In the past decade, the integration of remote construction monitoring has proven to be a game-changer in mitigating potential risks, ensuring project safety and deterring criminal activity. Let's delve into how these systems are shaping the way UK construction projects remain secure.

Read more about How Remote Construction Monitoring Keeps Your Project Safe

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Why You Need to Monitor and Maintain Your Business' Alarm Systems.

Published on 01.08.23

From the Perspective of an N.S.I Gold Installer with an in-house 24/7 Monitoring Station.

Maintaining an effective alarm system is vital to the security of your business, its assets and personnel. Regular monitoring and maintenance can ensure that your alarm systems are functioning correctly and optimally, helping to prevent theft, damage and other security issues.

Read more about Why You Need to Monitor and Maintain Your Business' Alarm Systems.

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Security Threats And Your Business: Why You Need to Protect Your Business

Published on 06.06.23

Security threats are an ever-present concern in today's world, and businesses are not immune to them. A commercial security system and appropriate fire system are essential tools for any business looking to protect its assets, employees, and customers. However, as technology evolves, security threats become more sophisticated, and security solutions become more advanced, businesses need to upgrade their commercial security systems to stay ahead of the curve, at Crime Prevention Services, that’s what we’re all about.

Read more about Security Threats And Your Business: Why You Need to Protect Your Business


5 CCTV Solutions to Conisder in 2023

Published on 30.03.23

In this article, we take a closer look at 5 security systems to consider for your business or project in 2023.

Read more about 5 CCTV Solutions to Conisder in 2023

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Meet Ioan, our Business Development Manager!

Published on 28.02.23

Get to know team CPS, here's the low down from our Business Development Manager, Ioan.

Read more about Meet Ioan, our Business Development Manager!

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Security Systems at Crime Prevention Services

Published on 14.02.23

Having appropriate security systems in place can protect your business in several ways. They can prevent unauthorised access, deter criminal activity, detect and respond to incidents, and provide useful evidence in case of a crime. By investing in high-quality security systems, businesses can ensure the safety of their employees, customers, and property, and ultimately prevent crime.

Here's a closer look at the services we provide to protect your business and why they’re such an important element of your business’ security strategy.

Read more about Security Systems at Crime Prevention Services

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The Benefits of having Plants in our Office

Published on 29.11.22

We consider CPS HQ as a second home for our employees and with this, in mind, their mental health and well-being is of high priority. We feel it’s important that the space we provide is optimised for both comfort and productivity. That includes some lively vegetation throughout the office that not only looks visually appealing but also provides excellent health benefits!

Read more about The Benefits of having Plants in our Office


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