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Meet Ioan, our Business Development Manager!

Meet Ioan, our Business Development Manager!

Get to know team CPS, here's the low down from our Business Development Manager, Ioan.

What was your first day at Crime Prevention Services like?

My first day was very different from my previous job as I was working shifts in a restaurant, so working at a desk, and during “normal” working hours was much better for me. Karen said to me on my first day “Do you know who I am?” to which I responded “No?” And she laughed (a lot) and so did everyone else before I learnt she was my boss! Also I was welcomed into the team from day one and nothing has changed since then.

What’s your favourite part of your job?

My favourite part of my job is that I get to visit lots of different customers every day and advise and help them secure either their domestic or commercial properties. ‘Fat Fridays’ in the office are also a contender!

What happens when you go to visit prospective customers?

I ensure that the customer’s security needs are met by finding out what they require e.g. for insurance purposes and then recommend the systems that best suit their needs. Our technical team are always thoroughly testing new equipment so I always ensure that I quote and provide the most up to date systems.

Is there anything that you believe is often overlooked by businesses when it comes to business security?

There are so many different ways of gaining entry into a building and site that a lot of people don’t realise. So, we are able to point these out and provide adequate detection in order to secure the premises.

What’s your favourite thing about working for CPS?

My favourite thing is definitely the staff...everyone in CPS wants to be there and it makes a huge difference in our efficiency and customer journey, it feels like a second family.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Still working here at CPS, progressing and getting better at my job day by day.

Published: 28.02.2023


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