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Monitored CCTV VS Manned Security

Monitored CCTV VS Manned Security

There is a lot to think about when choosing the most effective security solution for your business. A consideration when implementing security has always been between the traditional manned guard and technology.

Remote monitoring has a definite advantage over manned guarding when you want to protect assets, staff and property. It provides a much more cost-effective solution and allows our monitoring teams to keep an eye remotely on multiple unattended sites, react to potential alarms, respond quickly and effectively in the event of a break-in and record important evidence.

Benefits of Monitored CCTV Systems /Towers

  • A visual CCTV system and signage deters crime from the outset.
  • Security cameras and motion sensors provide reliable 24/7 surveillance.
  • Cameras record evidence of crime as well as enabling operators to respond to alarms in real time.
  • Unlike human guards, security cameras cannot be easily intimidated or disarmed!
  • Security cameras and our CCTV Towers can survey a large surface area, therefore, it is possible for our NSI Gold Accredited on-site monitoring station to protect multiple sites.
  • Tannoys are installed on our monitored CCTV towers to deter criminals at the scene and take the appropriate action e.g. calling the police and keyholders.
  • All of our CCTV systems can be integrated to other security and fire systems to provide a higher level of protection.

A move towards technology based remote guarding lays a good foundation for security systems especially in recent times relating to the pandemic.

If you are looking for advice in relation to the new installation, upgrade, takeover or maintenance or monitoring of a CCTV system then please contact our team on 0345 2309823 to book a free site survey today. Our Monitored CCTV Towers which are available to hire for immediate delivery anywhere in the UK.

We believe that their installation, monitoring and maintenance service level far exceeds that provided by their competitors.

Huws Gray

Published: 23.11.2020


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