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Monitored Alarm System = Peace of Mind

Monitored Alarm System = Peace of Mind

When you have a Monitored Alarm System you have peace of mind.

What is a Monitored Alarm System?

This is when your intruder alarm system is linked to a remote monitoring station via telephone lines and/or signals and should your alarm activate then a message is sent to the monitoring station who then action it appropriately.

What happens when my Monitored Alarm System activates?

A signal is received by a remote monitoring station and the operatives there will either contact the police or your designated key-holders depending on the pre-arranged escalation procedures that you have in place. This means that someone will be notified of the activation and action taken even if you are on holidays or out of the country on business.

Who can monitor my Alarm System?

For police response monitoring the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) must be suitably accredited to BS5979 by an approved certification body such as the NSI (National Security Inspectorate) and registered with the police. The highly trained operatives in the ARC are able to respond immediately and initiate pre–agreed escalation procedures in the event of a threat to people and property. This may include contacting the police or your nominated key-holders to attend site.

Who are nominated key-holders?

These are the individuals who you have nominated to be contacted in the event of an activation on your monitored alarm system. Usually they will be individuals (often senior management) who live less than 20 minutes away from the property or an accredited key-holding/guarding company who are able to attend site on your behalf. It is vital that your key-holder information is kept up to date with the Alarm Receiving Centre so that the correct people are contacted in an emergency.

What are the other benefits to having a Monitored Alarm System?

  • Your property protected 24 hours a day, every day of the year
  • It is a sad fact that an estimated 33% of “bells-only” intruder alarm activations go unnoticed and un-actioned but you can rest easy knowing that should your monitored alarm system activate someone will know about it and that appropriate action will be taken
  • Your insurance premiums may reduce with the inclusion of a monitored alarm system
  • A monitored alarm system is a big deterrent to most would-be intruders as they know that within seconds of them entering the property the police or key-holders will have been notified

Who can I talk to about having a Monitored Alarm System?

We would be delighted to talk to you about monitoring your existing intruder alarm or installing a new monitored system. We have our very own, NSI Gold-accredited Alarm Receiving Centre who are on duty 24 hours a day, every day of the year to ensure our clients are protected.

If you are interested in our monitoring services for your fire and security systems, then please contact a member of the team today on 0345 23 098 23.

Published: 05.10.2016


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