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Crime Prevention Services Logo Crime Prevention Services

Gordale Nurseries, South Wirral

Gordale Nurseries have dealt with Crime Prevention Services for over 15 years. During this time we have found them to be extremely efficient and professional.

One of the main considerations for Gordale Nurseries' continued relationship with CPS is the consistency of the staff. It is good to know that when the phone is answered, it is by a friendly voice and one that knows about you and the system you have on site equally. When an engineer is meant to call, they actually do. Even when it is ‘out of hours’. Calls are dealt with in a manner which shows care, and the staff in the monitoring station are cheerful and helpful even in the middle of the night!

Thank you for your continued and excellent service.

For over 15 years, we have found them to be a very efficient and professional company.

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