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Clogau Gold

Clogau Gold

A renowned jewellery company in North Wales, approached Crime Prevention Services to address their security concerns and requirements.

Case Study: Enhancing Security for Clogau Gold


Clogau Gold, a renowned jewellery company in North Wales, approached Crime Prevention Services to address their security concerns and requirements. With a rich history of crafting high-value jewellery pieces, Clogau Gold required a comprehensive security solution to protect their assets, stores, and personnel. In 2008 we became Clogau’s preferred supplier and are continuing to work for them today.

The Problem

Clogau Gold faced several security concerns when they decided to install new security systems:

  • Personalised Design: As a jewellery company, Clogau Gold needed a security system that was tailored to their specific needs. This included securing high-value products, ensuring employee safety, and maintaining the aesthetics of their stores.
  • Remote Monitoring: Given the value of their products, remote monitoring of their sites was crucial. Clogau Gold sought a solution that allowed them to monitor their stores 24/7, even when they were not physically present.
  • Fire Alarms: Fire safety was a paramount concern. Clogau Gold needed a reliable fire alarm system to protect their stores from potential fire hazards and ensure a rapid response in case of an emergency.
  • CCTV Systems: High-quality CCTV systems were essential to monitor the premises, deter theft and provide valuable evidence in case of incidents.
  • Access Control: Clogau Gold wanted to restrict access to authorised personnel only, ensuring the security of their valuable inventory and sensitive areas within the stores.
  • Break Glass Detectors: To prevent break-ins through store front windows.
  • Panic Buttons: Compliance with British Standards (BS) required a solution to reduce false alarms, preventing unnecessary disruptions and costs.
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The Solution

We provided a tailored solution to address all Clogau Gold's unique security concerns by affectively implementing all systems available in-line with their concerns. Our team worked closely with Clogau Gold to design a security system that seamlessly integrated with their store layout and aesthetics while providing robust security features. This comprised of real-time security footage and alerts on their mobile devices, ensuring continuous oversight of their stores.

The Result

Clogau Gold expressed satisfaction with the systems' installation quality and performance. They highlighted the dedication and commitment of our CPS engineering team in meeting tight deadlines for new store openings. In conclusion, Crime prevention Services successfully addressed Clogau Gold's unique security concerns by providing tailored solutions that enhanced their overall security. We have developed an excellent professional relationship with Clogau personnel liaising closely with all store and regional managers to ensure least disruption to business, arranging corrective maintenance visits, as per NSI Gold standards outside of high retail footfall periods.

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